Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Look, This Is the Land of Italy, Which I Will Touch with My Sword
July 18, 2023 apparition of St. Michael the Archangel at House Jerusalem to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany.

In the sky a beautiful big golden ball of light floats to us. The light of the ball of light shines down to us. The ball of light opens.
M.: "St. Michael, Holy Archangel Michael, with Your shield and sword protect us!"
St. Michael the Archangel emerges from this sphere of light and comes close to us. Saint Michael the Archangel asks me to ask for reparation. To do this, I am to lie down on the ground in the shape of a cross.
M.: "Make amends before the Eternal Father!" (Five times.)
Saint Michael the Archangel shows me the land of Italy and speaks:
"Look, this is the land of Italy, which I will touch with My sword. Quis ut Deus! Open your heart to your Savior, to our Lord Jesus Christ! In the Holy Church you will meet Him. Some people have not understood that you must meet Him there, that the Holy Church must proclaim His Word! Then people will open their hearts. But, if they do not keep the commandments there, people's hearts will close. Proclaim the Word, that is the mission of the Church of your Savior, the King of Mercy."
Saint Michael the Archangel raises His sword up into the sky. Above His sword in the sky hovers the Vulgate (Holy Scripture). It opens. As it does so, the Vulgate shines into the sky and down to us. Above the Vulgate floats the cross with the Lord on it made of golden light. Rays are coming down to us from the Lord. Now I recognize in the Vulgate the 2nd letter to the Thessalonians.
St. Michael speaks:
"When the followers of Jesus, the priests, proclaim the Lord, there is no need for private revelation. But since they often do not do this in this time of tribulation, the Lord Himself comes, We the angels come to the people, and the Queen of Angels, Mary, the Immaculate.
Save souls, pray for reparation before the Eternal Father! Remain faithful and steadfast!"
Saint Michael the Archangel again asks for reparation. Then He takes down His sword and I may touch it. This is a sign of reverence and faithfulness. He then speaks:
"In the name of My Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you. I am the warrior of the Precious Blood of Christ! I have come to you to convert people, to call people to remain steadfast and faithful, to follow the tradition of the Apostles and the Holy Scriptures. Pray for the Synod, in which the unspirit has its place. Pray very much! Quis ut Deus? The power of the Most Holy Trinity be with you!"
St. Michael speaks to M.:
"If once you are not on the spot, pray every 25th at the fountain Maria Annuntiata. Pray the rosary to the Precious Blood. The Lord will sprinkle you with His Precious Blood on every 25th until His Second Coming. He does this because on that day the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is absent. Quis ut Deus?"
St. Michael the Archangel says to do this then at 3:00 p.m.
This message is announced without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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For the message in the Bible, please consider the second letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians.
The second letter to the Thessalonians .
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of Thessalonica, which is in God our Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ .
Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The affliction of the Thessalonians and the righteous judgment of God .
We must always give thanks to God on your account, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing and mutual love is increasing among you all.
We can point to you with pride in the churches of God because you remain steadfast in the faith in the face of all the persecution and affliction you have to endure.
This is a sign of the righteous judgment of God; indeed, you shall be partakers of the kingdom of God for which you suffer.
For it is according to the justice of God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, but to give you, the afflicted, rest together with us, when Jesus the Lord reveals himself from heaven with his mighty angels in blazing fire. Then he will take vengeance on those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of Jesus our Lord.
Far from the presence of the Lord and from his power and glory they must be, with everlasting destruction they will be punished when he comes on that day to be celebrated in the midst of his saints and to be admired in the company of all those who have accepted the faith; for even among you our testimony has found credence.
Intercession of the Apostle .
Therefore we also pray for you always, that our God may make you worthy of your calling, and may perfect in his power every will to do good and every work of faith.
So may the name of Jesus our Lord be glorified in you, and you in him, by the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.